Sports massage in Stockport

Sports massage in Stockport

Where to find us?
The full address of our Stockport Physio clinic is as follows:
  • 9 Mealhouse Brow
  • Stockport
  • SK1 1JP

Our sports massage therapists based in Stockport clinic truly believe in putting the patient first and providing the best possible massage treatment. Our Stockport massage clinic is easily accessible and has nearby parking facilities. Stockport Town Centre clinic is also short walking distance away from Merseyway Shopping Centre.

Where is our Stockport Physio Clinic located?

Our Stockport physiotherapy clinic is conveniently located in the heart of Stockport Town Centre, on Mealhouse Brow, just off Little Underbank. The clinic is a short walk from the Merseyway Shopping Centre.

Is there parking access at the Stockport Physio clinic?

Yes, there are numerous car parks in close proximity to the clinic itself.

Is there disabled access at the Stockport Physio clinic?

Yes, there is disabled access to the enterance of the facinity along with disabled toilet facilities.

How do I arrange an appointment at the Stockport Physio clinic?

To arrange an appointment with at our Stockport clinic, email us at or call us on 0330 088 8448.